Very short story in Sanskrit with moral: Sometimes just let it be
Here are mention Small story in Sanskrit, short story in Sanskrit with English translation, very short story in Sanskrit with moral, Sanskrit story for children's, Sanskrit stories for beginners, Panchatantra stories in Sanskrit with English translation, short moral stories in Sanskrit with Hindi translation, Sanskrit stories with English translation ,very short story in Sanskrit with moral.
Sanskrit story with moral :
कदाचित तथैव त्यज
Sometimes just let it be
एकदा, कश्चन शिष्यः मनः कथं शान्तं भवेत् इति तस्य गुरुं पृष्टवान। गुरुः किमपि उत्तरं न दत्तवान। परन्तु सः शिष्यम् अवदत् "वत्स! अहम् पिपासितः। कृपया तस्मात् सरोवरात जलम् आनय।" इति।
सद्यः एव, शिष्यः सरोवरं प्रति अगच्छत्। सः तत्र कांश्चन जनान वस्त्राणि क्षालयतः अपश्यत्। अपि च सः एकं वृषभशकटं सरोवरं तरन्तम् अपश्यत।
एतेन कारणेन, सरोवरजलं कलुषितम् अभवत्। शिष्यः अचिन्तयत "कथम् एतत कलुषितं जलम् अहम् गुरुवे दास्यामि?" अतः सः गुरोः समीपं गत्वा जलं कलुषितम् अस्ति, अतः पातुं न योग्यं इति अवदत।
एतत् श्रुत्वा, गुरुः अवदत "अस्तु! वयं एतस्य वृक्षस्य अधः विश्रान्तिं स्वीकुर्मः" इति। किञ्चित कालानन्तरं, गुरुः शिष्यं आहूय पुनः सरोवरं गत्वा जलम् आनय इति उक्तवान।
शिष्यः गुरोः आज्ञां श्रुत्वा सरोवरम् अगच्छत। इदानीं, सः सरोवरे निर्मलं जलं अपश्यत। पङ्कः जलस्य अधः आसीत येत जलं अधुना पातुं योग्यं आसीत्।
अतः सः घटे जलं पूरयित्वा गुरवे अददात्।
गुरुः शिष्यम् अपृच्छत् "वत्स! कथं अधुना निर्मलं जलं प्राप्तवान?" शिष्यः अवदत "कञ्चन कालं यावत् सरोवरः तथैव त्यक्त्तः येन पङ्कः स्वयं अधः अगच्छत्। श्रमं विना शुद्धं जलं प्राप्तवान्।
गुरुः अवदत् "वत्स! एवमेव जीवने अपि वर्तितव्यम्।"
गुरुः पुनः अवदत् "यदा मनः विचलितं भवति तदा जलमिव किञ्चित् समयं ददातु येन मनः स्वयं शाम्यति। कोSपि श्रमः न करणीयः" इति।
गुरुः अग्रेSपि उक्तवान् "अतः एतदवश्यं स्मर्तव्यं यत यदा मनः विचलितं भवति तदा कञ्चन कालं यावत् तूष्णीभूय कामपि प्रतिक्रियां विना स्थातव्यम्। येन वयं शान्तेन मनसा एव जीवने समीचीनं निर्णयं कर्तुं शक्नुयाम्" इति।
Moral of The Story:
यदा मनः विचलितं भवति तदा कञ्चन कालं यावत तूष्णीभूय कामपि प्रतिक्रियां विना स्थातव्यम्। येन वयं शान्तेन मनसा एव जीवने समीचीनं निर्णयं कर्तुं शक्नुयाम्।
Sanskrit stories with English translation:-
Sometimes just let it be
Once upon a time, a disciple asked his guru how to calm the mind. The guru did not reply. Instead, he asked the disciple "Son, I am thirsty. Please get some water from that lake there."
At once, the disciple went to the lake. When he reached there, he saw that some people were washing their clothes in the lake. He also spotted a bullock cart crossing the lake.
Because of this, the water became very muddy. The disciple thought, "How can I give this muddy water to my Guru?" So, he went back and told his Guru "The water in the lake is muddy and I don't think it is fit to drink."
To this the Guru, "Okay, lets take some rest under the tree." After a couple of minutes, the guru asked the disciple to go back to the lake and get him some water to drink.
The disciple obediently went back to the lake. This time, he discovered that the lake had absolutely clean water in it. All of the mud had settled down and the water looked fit to drink.
So, he began collecting some water in a pot and brought it to his Guru.
The guru asked the disciple "Son! how did you get clean water now?" The disciple replied "For sometime, the pond was left to be as is because of which the mud settled down. Without effort, I get clean water."
The guru said "Child! In life also, this is the method to be."
The guru continued " Just like water, your mind also when it is disturbed, just give it a little time to settle down on its own. You need not have to put any effort to calm it down.
The guru continued "Therefore, when the mind is disturbed, you must remember to give it that time and not react at unrestful times. We can judge and take best decisions only when we stay calm."
Moral of The Story:
when the mind is disturbed, you must remember to give it that time and not react at unrestful times. We can judge and take best decisions only when we stay calm.
Sanskrit story with moral: Sometimes just let it be
Hindi Translation-
एक बार एक शिष्य ने अपने गुरु से मन को शांत करने का तरीका पूछा। शिक्षक ने कुछ भी उत्तर नहीं दिया। लेकिन उसने शिष्य से कहा, "बेटा! मैं प्यासा हूँ। कृपया मुझे उस झील से पानी लाओ।
तुरंत, शिष्य झील के पास गया। उसने देखा कि वहाँ कुछ लोग कपड़े धो रहे हैं उसने झील को पार करते हुए एक बैलगाड़ी को भी देखा
इस कारण तालाब का पानी प्रदूषित हो गया है। शिष्य ने सोचा, "मैं यह गंदा पानी गुरु को कैसे दूं?" इसलिए वह गुरु के पास गया और उससे कहा कि पानी गंदा है और इसलिए पीने लायक नहीं है।
यह सुनकर गुरु ने कहा, "चलो! हम इस वृक्ष के नीचे विश्राम करें। थोड़ी देर बाद, शिक्षक ने शिष्य को बुलाया और कहा कि झील पर वापस जाओ और पानी लाओ।
शिष्य ने गुरु की आज्ञा मानी और सरोवर में चला गया। अब, उसने झील में साफ पानी देखा। कीचड़ पानी के नीचे था इसलिए पानी अब डालने लायक था।
इसलिए उसने घड़े में पानी भरकर गुरु को दे दिया।
शिक्षक ने शिष्य से पूछा, "शिष्य! अब तुम्हें साफ पानी कैसे मिला?" शिष्य ने कहा, "कुछ देर के लिए सरोवर को यूं ही छोड़ दिया गया कि कीचड़ अपने आप नीचे चला जाए। बिना मेहनत के उसे शुद्ध पानी मिल गया।
शिक्षक ने कहा, "शिष्य! ऐसे ही हमें जीवन में जीना चाहिए।
शिक्षक ने फिर कहा, "जब मन अशांत हो तो उसे कुछ समय पानी की तरह दें ताकि मन अपने आप शांत हो सके। कोई प्रयास नहीं करना चाहिए।
गुरु ने आगे कहा, "इसलिए, यह याद रखना चाहिए कि जब मन अशांत हो, तो उसे बिना किसी प्रतिक्रिया के थोड़ी देर के लिए चुप रहना चाहिए। ताकि हम शांत मन से जीवन में सही निर्णय ले सकें।
Moral of The Story:
जब मन अशांत हो, तो उसे बिना किसी प्रतिक्रिया के थोड़ी देर के लिए चुप रहना चाहिए। ताकि हम शांत मन से जीवन में सही निर्णय ले सकें।
Small story in Sanskrit, short story in Sanskrit with English translation, very short story in Sanskrit with moral, Sanskrit story for children's, Sanskrit stories for beginners, Panchatantra stories in Sanskrit with English translation, short moral stories in Sanskrit with Hindi translation, Sanskrit stories with English translation ,very short story in Sanskrit with moral.
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