Unique Sanskrit Baby Boys names starting with the letter U (उ)
Here are mention Unique Sanskrit names Boy Letter U (उ) with Meaning, modern Sanskrit boy names, Boy names Sanskrit, baby boy names in Sanskrit with god names, ancient Sanskrit names for baby boy, a to z baby boy names in Sanskrit.
Baby Names for boys:
- उक्थ (Uktha ): eulogy, praise, series of verses chanted together.
- उक्षन् (Ukṣan): Name of various deities like Soma, Maruts, Sun and Agni, (lit.) large, an ox or bull.
- उक्षित (Ukṣita): Sprinkled or consecrated, strong, fully grown.
- उग्रवीर्य (Ugravīrya ): terrible in might.
- उङ्कार (Uṅkāra): name of a companion of Viṣṇu.
- उचथ्य (Ucathya): (name of an Āṅgirasa seer, author of some hymns of the Ṛgveda) deserving praise.
- उच्चदेव (Uccadeva): (name of God Viṣṇu or Kṛṣṇa) highest God.
- उच्छिख (Ucchikha): (Name of a Nāga in Mahābhārata) high-crested, blazing up, radiant.
- उच्छिरस (Ucchiras): one with an upraised head.
- उज्जेन्द्र (Ujjendra): name of a man.
- उज्झक (Ujjhaka ): a devotee, a cloud.
- उड्डीश (Uḍḍīśa ): name of Śiva.
- उतङ्क (Utaṅka): name of a Ṛṣi.
- उतथ्य (Utathya): name of a son of Aṅgiras and elder brother of Bṛhaspati.
- उत्कल (Utkala): name of a son of Dhruva.
- उत्तम (Uttama): best, excellent, highest, chief.
- उदान (Udāna): one of the five vital-airs present in the body, name of a kind of snake, joy.
- उदय (Udaya): rising, coming forth, being visible.
- उदयन (Udayana): (name of several kings and authors in Sanskrit literature) rising of the sun etc., conclusion, result.
- उदित (Udita): said, spoken, proclaimed, handed down.
- उद्दालक (Uddālaka ): (name of a Sanskrit teacher) a kind of honey.
- उद्धव (Udbhava): (name of a son of Nahuṣa) existence, generation, origin.
- उद्रक (Udraka): name of a Ṛṣi.
- उन्मणि (Unmaṇi ): a gem lying on the surface.
- उमेश (Umeśa): (name of God Śiva) husband of Umā i.e. Goddess Pārvatī.
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