Short story in Sanskrit with English translation/ Panchatantra stories in Sanskrit The crow's remedy

Panchatantra stories in Sanskrit The crow's remedy

Here are Small story in Sanskrit, short story in Sanskrit with English translation, very short story in Sanskrit with moral, Sanskrit story for children's, Sanskrit stories for beginners, Panchatantra stories in Sanskrit with English translation, short moral stories in Sanskrit with Hindi translation.

काकस्य उपायः

कश्चन महावृक्षः आसीत्। तत्र एकः काकः पत्न्या सह वसति। तस्य एव वृक्षस्य कोटरे एकः कृष्ण सर्पः अपि वसति स्म। यदा काकी प्रसूता भवति तदा कृष्ण सर्पः तस्याः शावकान खादन्ति स्म। एतेन काकः काकी च महत् दुःखम् अनुभवतः स्म।

अतः एकदा काकः स्वमि त्रस्य शृगालस्य समीपं गत्वा उक्तवान् "भोः मित्र!सः कृष्ण सर्पः कथञ्चित् मारणीयः, उपायं सूचयतु "इति। शृगालः एकम् उपायं सूचितवान्। तत्श्रुत्वा काकः बहु सन्तुष्टः। तदनन्तरं काकः उड्डयनं कुर्वन् नगरम् आगतवान्।

तत्र महाराजस्य प्रासादस्य सरोवरे अन्तः पुरस्त्रियः जलक्रीडायां मग्नाः आसन्। तासां वस्त्राणि आभरणानि च सरोवरस्य सोपानेषु स्थापितानि आसन्। काकः तत्र गतवान्। एकं सुवर्णहारं स्वीकृत्य अरण्याभिमुखं प्रस्थितवान्। तत्दृष्ट्वा राजभटाः काकं अनुसृतवन्तः। काकः अरण्यम् आगत्य महावृक्षस्य कोटरे तं हारं पातितवान्। स्वयं दूरं गतवान् च।

राजभटाः तत्र आगतवन्तः। तदा तत्र स्थितः कृष्णसर्पः कोपेन बहिः आगतवान्। राजभटाः दण्ड प्रहारेण तं मारित वन्तः। हारं च नीतवन्तः। तदन न्तरं काकः स्वपत्न्या सह सुखेन जीवितवान्।

The crow's remedy

There was a great tree. There lives a crow with his wife. A black snake also lived in the cave of the same tree. When the aunt gave birth, the black snakes ate her cubs. This caused great sorrow to the crow and the aunt.
So once the crow went to his friend the fox and said, "My friend! That black snake must be killed somehow, suggest a solution. The fox suggested a solution. The crow was very pleased to hear that. Then the crow came flying to the city.

There, inside the lake of the Maharaja's palace, the women of the city were engaged in water sports. Their clothes and ornaments were placed on the steps of the lake. The crow went there. He took a gold necklace and set out for the forest. Seeing this, the royal servants followed the crow. The crow came to the forest and dropped the necklace in the hollow of a great tree. and went away himself.

The royal servants came there. Then the black snake standing there came out in anger. The royal servants killed him with a rod. and they brought the necklace. After that the crow lived happily with his wife.

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