Slokas and Mantras for daily life

Slokas and Mantras for daily life

Here are mentions Slokas and Mantras for daily life. Here are also mentions-wake up slokam, Morning Earth sloka, Sunrise Sloka, Sloka while bathing, Sloka for Bhasma dhaarana, Tulsi Pradakshin Sloka, Peepal tree Pradakshina Sloka, Sloka before starting any work, Lamp Lighting Sloka, Sloka for Mangal Aarti, For Pradakshina after Pooja, Slokas at completion of prayer, Sloka before studies, Sloka before meals, Food time sloka, Sloka After food, A night time prayer-before bed, Bed time Prayer, morning mantra in Sanskrit lyrics, Slokas for daily life, morning slokas in Sanskrit. 

👉 प्रभात श्लोकं (Wake up sloka)

कराग्रे वसते लक्ष्मी करमध्ये सरस्वती करमूले तु गोविन्दा प्रभाते करदर्शनम्। 

English Meaning- It is believed, Goddess Lakshmi-the Goddess of wealth-resides in our finger, Goddess Saraswati- the Goddess of Leaning/ knowledge resides at the middle part (the palm) and Govinda resides at the root(the part of hand near wrist). we get their darshan in our hands first thing in the morning before doing anything.

👉 प्रभात भूमि श्लोकं (Morning Earth sloka)-

समुद्र वसने देवी पर्वत स्तन मण्डले 

विष्णुपत्नी नमस्तुभ्यं पादस्पर्शं क्षमस्वमे 

English Meaning- Asking for forgiveness to Bhoomi devi (Earth-Vishnu Wife) for touching her with our feet. 

👉 सूर्यादय श्लोकं(Sunrise sloka) -

ब्रह्मस्वरूपमुदये मद्ध्याहनेतु महेश्वरम् 

सायंकाले सदा विष्णु त्रिमूर्तिश्च दिवाकरः 

English Meaning- Meditate on the Sun who is the embodiment of the three principal deities, as Brahma in the morning, as Siva during noon and as Vishnu in the evening.


👉 स्नान श्लोकं (Slokas while bathing)-

गंगेच यमुने चैव गोदावरी सरस्वती 

नर्मदे सिन्धु कावेरी जलेस्मिन सन्निधिं कुरु 

English Meaning- Chant this sloka to invoke the presence of holy water from the rivers Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Saraswati, Narmada, Sindhu and Kaveri while bathing.

👉 भस्म धारण श्लोकं (Slokas for Bhasma Dharana)-

श्रीकरं च पवित्रं च शोक रोग निवारणं 

लोके वशीकरं पुंसां भस्मं त्रैलोक्य पावनं 

ॐ अग्निरिति भस्म वायुरिति भस्म जलामिति भस्म स्तलमिति भस्म 

व्योमेति भस्म सर्वम् हवा इदं भस्म मन एतानि चाक्षुंषिम भस्म

त्रयम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्दिं पुष्टि वर्धनम् 

उर्वारुकमिव बंधनात् म्रुत्योर मुक्षीय मामृतात् 

English Meaning- We worship the three-eyed Lord Shiva who nourished and spread fragrance in our lives. May he free us from the shackles of sorrow, change and death.

Also Read-

👉How to practice meditation daily

👉 तुलसी प्रदक्षिण श्लोकं (Tulsi Pradakshin Sloka) -

प्रसीद तुलसी देवी प्रसीद हरि वल्लभे 

क्षीरोद मदनोद भूते तुलसीं त्वं नमाम्यहं 

English Meaning- Be gracious to me, O Divine Queen! Be gracious, beloved of Hari! Be gracious, O Tulsi, you who arose from the churning of the milk ocean.

👉 पीपल के पेड को प्रदक्षिण करते वक्त श्लोकं (Peepal Tree Pradakshin Sloka)-

मूलतो ब्रह्म रूपाय मद्ध्यतोः विष्णु रूपिणे 

अग्रत शिव रूपाय वृक्षराजाय ते नमः 

English Meaning- My salutations to the king of trees, whose root is the form of brahma, middle is the form of Lord Vishnu, and top is the form of Lord Shiva.

👉 कार्य प्रारम्भ श्लोकं (Sloka before starting any work)-

वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सूर्यकोडी समप्रभ 

निर्विघ्नम् कुरु मे देव सर्व कार्येषु सर्वदा 

English Meaning- O Elephant headed large bodied Lord, Radiant as a thousand Suns, I ask for your grace so that this task that I am Starting may Complete without any hindrances.

शुक्लां भरतरं विष्णुं शशिवर्णं चतुर्भुजम् 

प्रसन्न वदनं ध्यायेत सर्व विघनोप शांतये 

English Meaning- We meditate on Lord Ganesha- Who is dressed in white, who is present everywhere, whose complexion is gray like that of ash, who has four arms, who has bring face and who can destroy all obstacles.

👉 दीप जलाने के वक्त श्लोक(Lamp Lighting sloka)-

दीप ज्योति परब्रह्मम दीपं सर्वतमोपमहम् 

दीपेन साध्यते सर्वम् संध्यादीपं नमोस्तुते 

English Meaning- I fold my hand before the lord, the maintainer of this creation, in the form of this light. I adore this light, which destroys all the pains resulting from my omissions and commission.

शुभं करोतु कल्याणम् आयुरारोग्य वर्धनम् 

सर्व शत्रु विनाशाय संध्या दीपं नमो नमः 

English Meaning- Salutation to the Light of the Lamp which brings auspiciousness, health and prosperity. Salutations to the Light which destroys inimical feelings.

शुभं करोति कल्याणम् आरोग्यं धन संपदः 

शत्रु बुद्धि विनाशाय दीप ज्योतिर नमो नमः 

English Meaning- I Salute the One who is the lamplight that brings auspiciousness; prosperity, good health, abundance of wealth, and the destruction of the enemy of the intellect.

दीप ज्योतिर परब्रह्मा दीप ज्योतिर् जनार्दना 

दीपो मे हरतु पापं दीप ज्योतिर नमोस्तुते    

English Meaning- The Light of the Lamp Represents the Supreme parabhrahmam, the Light of the Lamp represents Janardhana. Lets the Light of the Lamp Remove my sins. Salutations to the Light of the Lamp.

👉 मंगल आरती श्लोक (Slokas for Mangal Aarti)-

कर्पूर गौरम करुणावतारं संसार सारं भुजगेन्द्र हारं 

सदा वसंतम् हृदयारविन्ते भवं भवानि सहितम् नमामि 

English Meaning- I Salute to the merciful Bhava (i.e. Shiva) who is with his consort Parvathi, adorned with the necklace of the serphant.

मंगलं भगवान विष्णु मंगलं गरुडद्वज 

मंगलं पुंटरीकाक्षं मंगलायतनो हरि 

English Meaning- All auspiciousness to God Vishnu. All auspiciousness to one Who has Garuda as his flag. All auspiciousness to one who has eyes like the lotus flowers. all auspiciousness to Hari.

सर्व मंगल माँगल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थ साधिके 

शरण्ये त्रयम्बिके गौरी नारायाणी नमोस्तुते 

English Meaning- Salutations to You O Narayani who is the provider of all desires, who fulfills all the objectives of the devotees, who is the giver of shelter, with three eye and a shining face salutations to You o Narayani.

नीराजनं दर्शयामि देव देव नमोस्तुते 

प्रसन्नो वरदो भूयाः विश्व मंगलकारका 

👉 पूजा के बाद श्लोक (For Pradakshina After Pooja) -

यानि कानिच पापानि जन्मांतर कृतानिचा तानि तानि विनश्यन्ति 

प्रदक्षिणम् पथे पथे प्रकृष्ट पाप नाशाय प्रकृष्ट फल सिद्धये 

प्रदाक्षिणं करोमित्यम् प्रसीद पुरुषोत्तमा/परमेश्वरी 

English Meaning- All those sins that were done over several births, would one by one get destroyed when we do Pradakshina. I dopradakshina in my place to kill all my sins that I may have committed in my past births. O Parameshwari, please show mercy on me. I do Pradhakshina in my place in front you, to kill all my sins and to seek your blessings.

अन्यता शरणं नास्ती त्वमेव शरणं मम 

तस्मात् कारुण्य भावेन रक्ष रक्ष परमेश्वरा/जनार्दना 

English Meaning- Other than you, there is no refuge for me. Therefore, with mercy, please protect me, Oh Parameshwara/ Janardhana.

👉 प्रार्थना के बाद श्लोक (Slokas at completion of Prayer)-

कायेन वाचा मनसेन्त्रियैरवा  

बुद्ध्यात्मनावा प्रक्रते स्वभावात् 

करोमियद्यत सकलं परस्मै 

नारायणा येति समर्पयामि 

English Meaning- Unto Lord Narayana, I Dedicate all the acts that I perform with my body, speech, mind, senses and intellect that are born of deliberation and natural tendencies.

👉 पठन के पहले श्लोक -(Sloka before studies)-

सरस्वती नमस्तुभ्यं वरदे कामरूपिणी 

विद्यारम्भं करिष्यामि सिद्धिर्भवतु मे सदा 

English Meaning- O Goddess Saraswati, salutations to you, The giver of boons, the one who fulfills all desires. I begin my studies. May there always be accomplishments for me.

👉 भोजन पूर्व श्लोकं -

भोजन परोसने वक्त --  (Sloka before meals/As soon as the food is served) -

अन्नपूर्णे सदापूर्णे शंकर प्राणवल्लभे 

ञान वैराग्य सिद्धयर्थम् भिक्षां देहि च पार्वति 

माता च पार्वती देवी पिता देवो महेश्वरः 

बान्धवाह शिव भकताश्च स्वदेशो भुवनत्रयम् 

English Meaning- O annapurna, the beloved life-force of Lord Sankara -Grant me alms that I be firmly established in knowledge and Renunciation. Mother is shakti, father is shiva and own country is all the three worlds.

👉 भोजन के वक्त श्लोक (Food time sloka) -

हरीरद्दाता हरीरभोक्ता हरिरन्नं प्रजापतिः 

हरीरविप्र शरीरस्तु भूङते भोजयते हरिहि 

English Meaning- Oh Lord Hari, You are the food, You are the enjoyer of the food, you are the giver of food. Therefore, I offer all that I consume at Thy Lotus Feet.


👉 भोजनानान्तर श्लोकं -

अगस्त्यं वैनतेयं च शमीं च बडबालनम् 

आहार परिणामार्त्थम् स्मरामि च वृकोदरं 

👉 शयन समय श्लोकं (A night time prayer-before bed)-

करचरण कृतं वा कायचं कर्मचं वा 

श्रवण नयनचं वा मानसं वा अपराधं 

विहितमविहितम् वा सर्वमे तत् क्षमस्वा 

जय जय करुणाब्धे श्री महादेव शम्बो 

English Meaning- O Lord, kindly forgive the wrong actions I have done knowingly or unknowingly, either through my organs of action (hands, feet, speech) or through my organs of perception (ear, eyes) or by my mind. Glory unto Thee, oh Lord, who is the ocean of compassion.

👉 निद्रा श्लोकं (Bed time Prayer)-

राम स्कन्धं हनुमन्तं वैनतेयं वृकोदरम् 

शयनेय स्मरनित्यं दुःस्वप्नं तस्यन्यस्यति

English Meaning- Salutations to Hanuantha, Vyanatheya (garuda), and Vrakodhara (Bheema) - all brave people to wipe out bad dreams (basically praying for peaceful sleep).

अच्चुताय नमः अनंताय नमः 

वासुकये नमः चित्रगुप्ताय नमः विषणवे हरये नमः 


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