Sanskrit Slokas on Good and Bad

Sanskrit Slokas on Good and Bad

Here are mentions some Sanskrit Slokas on Good and Bad, Sanskrit slokas on good behavior, best Sanskrit slokas for competition, Sanskrit slokas on bad habits

"अर्थात्पलायते ज्ञानं मार्जारान्मूषिको यथा। 

बकवत्ज्ञायतामर्थः सिंहवच्च जयेद्रिपुं।।"

English Translations:-

Knowledge departs from a place where the concentration is primarily on wealth, similar to the mouse which flees by seeing a cat. For acquiring wealth, one has to involve himself/herself into a task, like a crane catching fish, and to courage like that of a Lion.

"अभिवादनशीलस्य नित्यं वृद्धोपिसेविनः। 

चत्वारि तस्य वर्धन्ते आयुर्विद्या यशो बलम्।।"

English Translations:-

A noble person will always serve the aged people. And such a person is always blessed with the following four : long life span, knowledge, respect in the society, and great strength ( Physical/Mental).

"वस्त्रेण वपुषा वाचा विद्यया विनयेन च। 

वकारैः पञ्चभिर्युक्तः नरो भवति पूजितः।।"

English Translations:-

A person who has the following five qualities which start with alphabet -'va'. will be well respected in the society : (i) good dress sense, (ii) good physique, (iii) good communication skills, (iv) Knowledge and (v) discipline.

"आहारनिद्राभयमैथुनानि समान्यमेतत्पशुभिर्नराणां। 

ज्ञानं नराणांमधिको विशेषो ज्ञानेन हीनाः पशुभिः समानाः।।"

English Translations:-

Basic needs like food, sleep, fear and sexual desires are common among both humans and animals. But the higher levels of intelligence and knowledge are the specialties of human. If for some reason these qualities are lacking in a person, then the person in no different from an animal.

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"सुवर्णपुष्पां पृथिवीं चिन्तन्ति पुरुषास्त्रयः। 

सूरश्च कृतविद्यश्च यस्य जानाति सेवितुं।।"

English Translations:-

Earth is like a golden flower (beautiful and valuable) for the following three kinds of people: people who are brave, the learned ones and the people who know to enjoy both good time  and bad times, with no complaints.

"विसृज्य शूर्पवद्दोषान गुणान गृह्णन्ति साधवः। 

दोषग्राही गुणत्यागी चालनी इव दुर्जनः।।"

English Translations:-

Noble and righteous persons are like a winnowing basket which is used to filter the grain by removing the husk, whereas wicked people are like a sieve which retains impurities and allows the finger good objects to finger good objects to pass out.


"कः कालः कानि मित्राणि को देशः को व्ययागमः। 

कश्चाहं का च मे शक्तिरिति चिन्त्यं मुहुर्मुहुः।।"

English Translations:-

Before undertaking any job, one should carefully analyze the following again and again, namely: what is the current situation, who are my friends, in which Country am I in (do I know all the rules and regulations of the country am in ?), what is my income and expenditure (can I afford for the job being undertaken, and will I be able to survive if the job fails?, who I am and how powerful am I .

"स्वाभाविकं तु यन्मित्रं भाग्यैनैवाSभिजायते। 

तद्कृत्तिमसौहार्दमाप्तस्वपि न मुञ्चति।।"

English Translations:-

 Only a very lucky person is privileged to have a good friend, who is friendly by nature. And who does not abandon the person even during adversity and hard times, because his/her affection and friendship is never artificial.

"आतुरे नियमो नास्ति बाले वृद्धे तथैव च। 

पराचाररते चैव एष धर्मः सनातनः।।"

English Translations:-

It is ordained in the "Sanaatan Dharm", (the Religion of Hindus), That sick or suffering people, children, aged persons as also persons engaged in helping the needy persons, need not observe the established rules of good and righteous behavior as prescribed  in the Shastras.

"धीराः शोकं तरिष्यन्ति लभन्ते सिद्धिमुत्तमं। 

धीरैः संप्राप्ते लक्ष्मीः धैर्यं सर्वत्र साधनम्।।"

English Translations:-

People who are courageous, will always be able to swim across the ocean the ocean of sorrows and achieve great success, and thus they become rich. Hence it is said that courage is the best means of achieving success.

"अहो बत विचित्राणि चरितानि महात्मनां। 

लक्ष्मी तृणाय मन्यन्ते तद्भारेण नमन्ति च।"

English Translations:-

How strange are the deeds and lifestyle of great noble and righteous persons ? They treat wealth as very insignificant as a blade of grass, and if per chance they are wealthy, they do not yield under the pressure of their wealth, i.e they do not become proud and arrogant, but remain polite and righteous. 

"लोभः सदा विचिन्त्यो लब्धेभ्यः सर्वतो भयं दृष्टं। 

कार्यSकार्यविचारो लोभविमूढस्य नाSस्त्येव।।"

English Translations:-

Greed in a person is the cause of his/her worries and is always questionable, because if a person is seized by greed, he/she loses the power to differentiate between good and bad, and so he/she is subjected to the fear of everything around him/her.

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"यदि रामा यदि च रमा यदि तनयो विनयगुणोपेतः। 

तनये तनयोत्पत्तिः सुरवरनगरे किमाधिक्यंम्।"

English Translations:-

Of what good is living in Swarga (the capital city of Indra, the king of haven, King of Gods), when a person is blessed with a wife (Rama here means wife) who is virtuous like Lakshmi, and a son who is endowed with humanity and many other good qualities?

"आलस्यं स्त्रीसेवा सरोगता जन्मभूमि वात्सल्यम्। 

संतोषो भीरुत्वं षड्व्याघाता महत्त्वस्य।।"

English Translations:-

Laziness, infatuation towards woman, sickness, too much attachment with one's place of birth, getting excited for every small things, and cowardice, these are the six obstacles which stop a normal person from progressing into a great person.

"आत्मकार्य महाकार्य परकार्यं न केवलं। 

आत्मकार्यस्य दोषेण कूपे पतति मानवः।।"

English Translations:-

Helping others is a great job. At the same time completing his/her own job is very important. failing to do so, a person falls deep down to the depth of a well, that he/she can no longer help themselves or others.

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