Best Sanskrit quotes for WhatsApp

Best Sanskrit quotes for WhatsApp

Here are mention Sanskrit quotes for WhatsApp about, best Sanskrit quotes for WhatsApp bio, Sanskrit quotes for WhatsApp status, best Sanskrit status for WhatsApp, Sanskrit quotes for WhatsApp dp, best Sanskrit quotes for WhatsApp status.

उपायेन जयो यदृग्रिपोस्तादृड्डं न हेतिभिः ॥

Upāyena Jayo Yadr̥gripostādr̥ḍḍaṁ na Hetibhiḥ

Hindi Meaning:

उपाय से शत्रु को जीतो, हथियार से नहीं ।

English Translation:

Conquer the enemy by means, not with weapons.

सत्यमेव जयते ॥

Satyameva Jayate

Hindi Meaning:

सत्य अपने आप विजय प्राप्त करती है ।

English Translation:

Truth conquers itself.

उपायपूर्वं न दुष्करं स्यात् ॥

Upāyapūrvaṁ Na Duṣkaraṁ Syāt

Hindi Meaning:

उपाय से कार्य कठिन नहीं होता ।

English Translation:

The task was not difficult with the remedy.

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यद् भविष्यो विनश्यति ॥

Yad Bhaviṣyo Vinaśyati

Hindi Meaning:

'जो होगा देखा जाएगा' कहने वाले नष्ट हो जाते हैं ।

English Translation:

Those who say 'what will happen will be seen' are destroyed.

विज्ञानदीपेन संसार भयं निवर्तते ॥

Vigyānadīpena Saṅsāra Bhayaṁ Nivartate

Hindi Meaning:

विज्ञानं के दीप से संसार का भय भाग जाता है ।

English Translation:

The fear of the world runs away from the lamp of science.

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सुखस्य मूलं धर्मः ॥

Sukhasya Mūlaṁ Dharmaḥ

Hindi Meaning:

धर्म ही सुख देने वाला है ।

English Translation:

Religion is the only giver of happiness.

अतितृष्णा न कर्तव्या, तृष्णां नैव परित्यजेत् ॥

Atitr̥ṣṇā Na kartavyā, Tr̥ṣṇāṁ Nēva Parityajet

Hindi Meaning:

लोभ तो स्वाभाविक है, किन्तु अतिशय लोभ मनुष्य का सर्वनाश कर देता है।

English Translation:

Greed is natural, but excessive greed destroys human beings.

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धर्मस्य मूलमर्थः ॥

Dhamasya Mūlamarthaḥ

Hindi Meaning:

धन से ही धर्म संभव है ।

English Translation:

Religion is possible only with money.

विनयस्य मूलं विनयः ॥

Vinayasya Mūlaṁ Vinayaḥ

Hindi Meaning:

वृद्धों की सेवा से ही विनय भाव जाग्रत होता है ।

English Translation:

The sense of humility is awakened only by the service of the elderly.

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अलब्धलाभो नालसस्य ॥

Alabdhalābho Nālasasya

Hindi Meaning:

आलसी को कुछ भी प्राप्त नहीं होता ।

English Translation:

The lazy get nothing.

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आलसस्य लब्धमपि रक्षितुं न शक्यते ॥

Ālasasya Labdhamapi Rakṣituṁ Na Śakyate

Hindi Meaning:

आलसी प्राप्त वस्तु की भी रक्षा नहीं कर सकता ।

English Translation:

 Lazy cannot even protect the thing received.

हेतुतः शत्रुमित्रे भविष्यतः ॥

Hetutaḥ Śatrumitre Bhaviṣyataḥ

Hindi Meaning:

किसी कारण से ही शत्रु या मित्र बनते हैं ।

English Translation:

Enemies or friends are made for some reason.

बलवान हीनेन विग्रहणीयात् ॥

Balavāna Hīnena Vigraṇīyāt

Hindi Meaning:

बलवान कमज़ोर पर ही आक्रमण करे ।

English Translation:

Only the strong attack the weak.

दुर्बलाश्रयो दुःखमावहति ॥

Durbalāśrayo Duḥlkhavahati

Hindi Meaning:

दुर्बल का आश्रय दुःख देता है ।

English Translation:

The shelter of the weak gives sorrow.

नव्यसनपरस्य कार्यावाप्तिः ॥

Navyasanaparasya Kāryāvāptiḥ

Hindi Meaning:

बुरी आदतों में लगे हुए मनुष्य को कार्य की प्राप्ति नहीं होती ।

English Translation:

A person engaged in bad habits does not get work.

अर्थेषणा न व्यसनेषु गण्यते ॥

Artheṣaṇā na Vyasaneṣu Gaṇyate

Hindi Meaning:

घन की अभिलाषा रखना कोई बुराई नहीं मानी जाती ।

English Translation:

It is not considered a bad thing to have a desire for a cube.

अग्निदाहादपि विशिष्टं वाक्पारुष्यम् ॥

Agnidāhādapi Viśiṣṭaṁ Vākpāruṣyaṁ

Hindi Meaning:

वाणी की कठोरता अग्निदाह से भी बढ़कर है ।

English Translation:

The harshness of speech is greater than that of a fire.

आत्मायत्तौ वृद्धिविनाशौ ॥

Ātmāyattō Vr̥ddhivināśō

Hindi Meaning:

वृद्धि और विनाश अपने हाथ में है ।

English Translation:

Growth and destruction is in your hands.

अर्थमूलं धरकामौ ॥

Arthamūlaṁ Dharakāmō

Hindi Meaning:

धन ही सभी कार्याे का मूल है ।

English Translation:

Money is the root of all work.

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कार्यार्थिनामुपाय एव सहायः ॥

Kāryārthināmupāya Eva Sahāyaḥ

Hindi Meaning:

उद्यमियों के लिए उपाय ही सहायक है ।

English Translation:

Remedy is only helpful for entrepreneurs.

कार्य पुरुषकारेण लक्ष्यं सम्पद्यते ॥

Kārya Puruṣakāreṇa Lakṣaṁ Sampadyate

Hindi Meaning:

निश्चय कर लेने पर कार्य पूर्ण हो जाता है ।

English Translation:

Once you are determined, the work gets completed.

असमाहितस्य वृतिनरविद्यते ॥

Asamāhitasya Vr̥tinaravidyate

Hindi Meaning:

भाग्य के भरोसे बैठे रहने पर कुछ भी प्राप्त नहीं होता ।

English Translation:

Nothing is achieved by sitting on the basis of luck.

पूर्वं निश्चित्य पश्चात् कार्यभारभेत् ॥

Pūrvaṁ Niśchitya Paśchāt Kāryabhārabhet

Hindi Meaning:

पहले निश्चय करें, फिर कार्य आरंभ करें ।

English Translation:

Decide first, then start working.

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कार्यान्तरे दीघर्सूत्रता न कर्तव्या ॥

Kāryāntare Dīrghasūtratā Na Kartavyā

Hindi Meaning:

कार्य के बीच में आलस्य न करें ।

English Translation:

Do not be lazy in the middle of work.

दुरनुबध्नं कार्य साधयेत् ॥

Durnubadhnaṁ Kārya Sādhayet

Hindi Meaning:

जो कार्य हो न सके उस कार्य को प्रांरभ ही न करें ।

English Translation:

Do not start the work which cannot be done.

कालवित् कार्यं साधयेत् ॥

Kālavit Kāryaṁ Sādhayet

Hindi Meaning:

समय के महत्व को समझने वाला निश्चय ही अपना कार्य सिद्धि कर पता है ।

English Translation:

One who understands the importance of time surely knows how to accomplish his work.

भाग्यवन्तमपरीक्ष्यकारिणं श्रीः परित्यजति ॥

Bhagyavantamaparīkṣyakāriṇaṁ Śrī Parityajati

Hindi Meaning:

बिना विचार कार्य करने वाले भाग्शाली को भी लक्ष्मी त्याग देती है ।

English Translation:

Lakshmi renounces even the one who works without thought.

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यो यस्मिन् कर्माणि कुशलस्तं तस्मित्रैव योजयेत् ॥

Yo Yasmin Karmāṇi Kuśalasyaṁ Tasmitrē Yojayet

Hindi Meaning:

जो मनुष्य जिस कार्य में निपुण हो, उसे वही कार्य सौंपना चाहिए ।

English Translation:

A person who is skilled in the work, he should be entrusted with that work.

दुःसाध्यमपि सुसाध्यं करोत्युपायज्ञः ॥

Dūsādhyamapi Susādhyaṁ Karotyupāyagyaḥ

Hindi Meaning:

उपायों का ज्ञाता कठिन को भी आसान बना देता है ।

English Translation:

The knower of remedies makes even the difficult ones easy.

अप्रयत्नात् कार्यविपत्तिभर्वती ॥

Aprayatnāt Kāryavipattirbhavatī

Hindi Meaning:

प्रयास न करने से कार्य का नाश होता है ।

English Translation:

Failure to do so results in the loss of work.

शोकः शौर्यपकर्षणः ॥

Śokāḥ Śēryapakarṣaṇaḥ

Hindi Meaning:

शोक मनुष्य के शौर्य को नष्ट कर देता है ।

English Translation:

Grief destroys a man's bravery.

न सुखाल्लभ्यते सुखम् ॥

Nā Sukhāllabhyate Sukhaṁ

Hindi Meaning:

सुख से सुख की वृद्धि नहीं होती ।

English Translation:

Happiness does not increase with happiness.

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