Sanskrit conversation between Father and Son

Sanskrit conversation between Father and Son

Sanskrit conversation between Father and Son-

Sanskrit conversation between Father and Son, Conversation between Father and Son in Sanskrit, Conversation Father and Son in Sanskrit with meaning-

पिता -आगच्छतु। यात्रा कथम् आसीत् ?

पिता -आओ। यात्रा कैसी थी ?

Father - come on, how was the journey?

पलाशः - सम्यक् आसीत् तात। 

पलाश- ठीक थी पिताजी। 

Palash - It was okay, father.

पिता -त्वं कदा दिल्लीं प्राप्तवान्?

पिता- तुम कब दिल्ली पहुँचा ?

Father- When did you reach Delhi?

पलाशः -अहम् मङ्गलवासरे प्रातः ६ वादने एव प्राप्तवान्। 

पलाश - मैं मङ्गलवार सुबह 6 बजे ही पहुँचा। 

Palash - I reached Tuesday at 6 am only.

पिता - अनन्तरं त्वं किं किं कृतवान्?

पिता- फिर तुमने क्या क्या किया?

Father: What did you do then?

पलाशः - ततः मित्रस्य गृहं गतवान्।  तत्रैव स्नानमपि कृतवान्।  उपाहारं खादितवान्।  ततः वैष्णदेवीमन्दिरं गतवान्। 

पलाश - वहाँ से मित्र के घर गया।  वहीं स्नान किया। स्वल्पाहार किया।  फिर वैष्णदेवी के मन्दिर गया। 

Palash - From there went to friend's house. Bathed there. Had snacks. Then went to Vaishna Devi temple.

पिता - किं त्वं एकः एव गतवान् ?

पिता- क्या तुम अकेले ही गये ?

Father: Did you go alone?

पलाशः - नैव, मम मित्रम् अहं च गतवन्तौ। कार्यक्रमः न आरब्धः आसीत्।  समये आवां प्राप्तवन्तौ। 

पलाश- नहीं, मेरा मित्र और मैं दोनों गये।  कार्यक्रम शरू नहीं हुआ था।  सही समय में हम दोनों पहुँचे। 

Palash- No, my friend and I both went. The program had not started. We both reached in right time.

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Sanskrit conversation between Father and Son,   conversation between Father and Son in Sanskrit, conversation Father and Son in Sanskrit with meaning

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